The Story behind Roux-Dolph the Gumbo Pot.
If you are not from Louisiana, or are not a cook, you may have never heard of a “roux,” so let’s start there. A roux, pronounced [ r OO ], is a flour base used in many dishes, but it is especially important in one of my favorite dishes, Gumbo! Gumbo is the official state cuisine of Louisiana and is a very special dish to many people here.
I LOVE to laugh, I LOVE a good gumbo, and I LOVE Christmas. All of these things remind me of my mother, who I lost in 2022 to cancer. She was my rock and my home, and I love her so much. I dedicate all my future success to her.
One day I was scrolling through a Facebook Group for watercolor artists. The members were all making these beautiful winter wonderland landscape paintings for their family Christmas cards. They were so darling that it moved me to create a Christmas card for my own family!
I guess I was hungry because the next thing I knew, I was doodling out a silly little gumbo pot with a red nose. I named him “Roux-Dolph,” [ r OO d aw l f ] and instantly fell in love.
I shared Roux-Dolph with the group, and everyone else also fell in love. Someone suggested I put him on t-shirts. I put him on some t-shirts and sold a few.
Then someone suggested I put Roux-Dolph on tea towels, and he took off! I have since sold thousands of my little Roux-Dolph towels all over the United States (and a few have even made it out of the country!) Never underestimate the power of a good tea towel in the south.
I am excited to announce, my book “The Legend of Roux-Dolph the Gumbo Pot,” has been published by Pelican Publishing, and my family has other big plans for my little gumbo pot! I like to joke that he will either become the Blue the Mickey Mouse of the South.
Whatever happens next, I am just so grateful to see the smile my little creation has brought to people’s faces and honored to know that my work is worthy of being gifted to people’s loved ones. That is something I will always be proud of. May the joy of this punny little gumbo pot live in all our hearts forever.
Thank you,
Kelly Airhart